Website Design

In this age of democratized website design, where anyone can take a template or WordPress theme and make a pretty website, the need for a designer is just as important as ever. A template alone cannot fully represent you or your company and often lacks important functionality for your audience. A designer can address your specific needs for accurate representation of your business and appeal to your particular audience.

Throughout my time I have helped develop and design websites for many startups and small businesses: a Thai restaurant, a Waldorf school, an interactive children’s book app startup company, an Americana singer/songwriter,, a vintage costume shop, and of course Tom the Book Guy⇗, where I have worked as a bookseller and graphic designer for over a decade.


Curiouser House Publishing⇗. My personal venture, redesigning and publishing classic literature. The colorful covers are the focus in this clean, minimalist design, meant to showcase the modernity of the covers married with the traditional layout of a book. Online bookstore selling textbooks, general books, and rare antiquarian books. I was in charge of updating and maintaining the website, blog, social media, and general graphic design needed along the way. But my main job was as a bookseller. The challenge with this was that they sell through eBay and Amazon, and not at all through their own website. More than anything I think it was utilized more by students wanting to sell back their textbooks, and estates wishing to sell us collections.
Flossy McGrew’s & Son. This was the beginnings of a website for a vintage clothing and costumery shop. It was to be a simple website, mostly meant to acquaint new customers with the business. I also set up their social media, and designed a billboard campaign.