I am such a nerd for typographical history and minutiae. It is a fun and fascinating study, as well as an enlivening practice, not to mention exacting. Typography is one of those lovely, exciting disciplines in which there is always so much more to learn. Consistency of forms, the relationships between them, all of the micro-scale details that add up to (ideally) a smooth reading experience where the design becomes invisible in service to the content. This macro-level is an especially important consideration for book interiors.
I use my typographical knowledge when designing the book interiors for Curiouser House Publishing⇗. Hop on over to see some of my book covers. Keep scrolling to see a few of my forays into font design⇓.
Book Interiors
Whoof! Even designing sloppy handwriting fonts gives you a much deeper appreciation for the care that goes into any typeface (be it ever so Comic Sans). Letterforms become architecture, a line of type becomes a cityscape. Here are some of my forays, be they ever so modest…
High School English Teacher

Friedrich Wilhelm

